GTD + R :: Getting Things Done + RHODIA

It is very simple for the concept. I call it "Card game for push through the work" as metaphor. Anybody wants the tasks or work to get things done sooner. To get things done, you have to capture it. So I call it the GAME to clean up the tasks.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

What is GTD+R?

This guide provides an easily way for starting GTD and keeping doing it for the person who is trying to start GTD, or who tried it, but doesn't work.

I am a software engineer. I always need to thrash out the tasks in my work.
I list up the operation as task, check it it's done or not, and know the progress for the project.
The thrashing out the tasks is the most important factor for that the project goes well.

GTD declare the process how to act with the complete details.
"Collecting" -> "Handling" -> "Arrangement" -> "Review" -> "Exception"
It is easy way to clear up the work flow for anybody. And all you need is paper and pencil.
"LifeHacks" is appropriate word for it.

But, I realized it's really hard to keep doing it. There is no problem during the process "Collect".
And we have to write it down to another piece of paper in the processes, "Handling", and "Arrangement". It's really troublesome. We get stressed by writing the task twice.

And it is also hard to connect task and schedule. If the task has to be done at some later date, you need to entry the task to your schedule of your notebook or PC. But it is going to be troublesome. It is hard to connect task and schedule smoothly.

Recently there are some ways to digitalize GTD. There is the way which you manage TODO on the web or with the cell phone. The other way is managing mail as tasks by using Gmail.
I used to manage TODO and schedule by using PDA. But it was so hard to keep doing it because I got some stressed by writing the data.
I had to turn on the PDA, open the scheduler, input the characters, and save it only for 20 charactrs. I guess this is the problem why I couldn't keep doing it.
So, I made new way "GTD for anybody, and be easy to keep doing"

It is very important to thrash out what you want to do as tasks.
I think about what the most appropriate things to write down the tasks is.

There are some conditions as follows.

  • Anytime
  • Anywhere
  • Easy to write down
  • Movable
  • Sortable
  • Visible how much tasks you have
  • Reasonable
One item which can goes everything clear comes to me.
It is RHODIA pads.
By writing down the tasks on the RHODIA, it is easy to carry, move, and sort it.

I made new way by mixing GTD and managing the tasks with RHODIA.

I call it "GTD + R".

It is very simple for the concept. I call it "Card game for push through the work" as metaphor.

Anybody wants the tasks or work to get things done sooner. To get things done, you have to capture it. So I call it the GAME to clean up the tasks.

I think that there are a lot of people who wants to do their works as games.
You prepare FIELD because it is the GAME. You can play it and clean up the tasks on the field.
You prepare POCKET. It makes easy to carry and to clean up the tasks anywhere.


How to make POCKET

How to make POCKET.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

GAME start

Task sheet

Prepare the note pad to write the down tasks. I recommend RHODIA No11.
The note pad which is a little bit smaller than A7 is also available.
This size is suitable the POCKET.


Prepare the FIELD for "GTD + R". It is going to be used to order the tasks on the desk.
I made FIELD and you can download from the following URL and print it out to A4 paper.
It gets stronger if you use with plastic file.


This is the case to be put the task in. There are five kinds of POCKETs as INBOX/TODAY, WEEK, MONTH, SOMEDAY, and HOLD.

The POKETs are colored which is same color of the FIELD.

One POCKET is not colored and it is used as FREE POKET. FREE POCKET is for not related matters for tasks. You can download the POCKETs from the following URL.

Follow the instructions to make the POCKET.

*No scissors and glue are needed.


About the FILED

This is the FIELD for getting the things done with the tasks. Put the FIELD on the table when you use.


Game flow

You are the only player in this game. The goal of going clear this game is clearing up the tasks.
Please start up for the first time before hand. There are two phases for this game Tactics phase and Battle phase. If you clear these phases, you clear the game.

Tactics phase

  • Prepare
  • Gather the sheets
  • Tagging
  • Sorting
  • Put the tasks in the POCKET
  • The end of theTactics phase

Battle phase

  • Clearing up the tasks
  • Add new tasks
  • Get done with therequesting tasks

Carrying on this game there are some points to review.
There are weekly review and monthly review.


Starting up

You have to thrash out all your tasks. It takes a lot of time to do it, but it makes your head and mind very refreshed. So don't give it up.

To thrash out your tasks it is naturally comes out when you answer the following questions.

  • What is your work in the project that you are doing?
  • What are you interested in recently?
  • What do you want to have or buy?
  • What do you have to check out?
  • What do you have to ask or need to be advised?

There might be some tasks which you would like to do everyday or on a regular basis.
For example, watering on your flowers, or posting an article on your blog.

These kind tasks are called practice tasks. You write down the practice tasks with red character.After getting done with the practice tasks, do not throw them away and take them back to your INBOX POCKET, you can do them repeatedly.


Tactics phase

You must do the Tactics phase before you start to work.

Set up

Sit down on your chair and set up the Game. Put the field on your table (in front of you), and set out the POCKET. Speak out "I'm doing it" (affirmation). Take a deep breath once.

Gather the task sheets

At the beginning, you take the task sheets out from the INBOX POCKET, and gather them on the central space.
Take the task sheets out from TODAY POCKET, and WEEK POCKET and put them on the space.


Tag the verb to your task sheet and circle it. The verb must be specific about the action for example, "Look up", "Buy", "Try", "Make", and "Think". I call it Tagging.

You can find out what you have to do for the task by tagging. It is useful for settling on the priority.


You sort the tasks to the each area on the FIELD.

TODAY area --- Space for TODAY TASK
WEEK area --- Space for THIS WEEK TASK
MONTH area --- Space for THIS MONTH TASK
HOLD area --- Space for REQUESTING TASK

Leave the task sheets that you can do in 2 minutes on the center space.
Some of the tasks are not task but just memo or note.
Put them out from the FIELD.

Put the task sheets in the POCKET

Put the task sheets that are sorted in each area in the POCKET.
Sorting the tasks and putting them in the POCKET, you will find the task that you are looking for quickly.

* The POCKET can be stranded on a table.

The end of the Tactics phase

There are only some tasks which is "Able to do it right now" in the FILED.
Getting done the tasks and throw away the task sheets. When there are no task sheets, it means you cleared the Game.

This is the end of the Tactics phase. It takes about 10 to 30 minutes.


Battle phase

This Battle phase is for getting done with the tasks daily. You bring the TODAY POCKET during the day. When there are no task sheets in the TODAY POCKET you clear the game.

Clearing up the tasks

Take the task sheets out from TODAY POCKET, and finish them.After getting done with them, throw away the task sheets.

Add new tasks

You might find new tasks in the daytime. You take note the tasks to your RHODIA as task sheets. You can separate the task sheet from the note pad and put them into the INBOX POCKET in that moment, or later.
When some tasks come up, you write them down soon. It goes you stress-free.

Get done with the requesting tasks

The task sheets in the HOLD POCKET are requesting tasks to someone.
When you get the reply take them out and write down them to new task sheet as next action and put them into INBOX.

TODAY POCKET will be empty at the end of the day.It means you cleared the game for today.



We realize that there are some task sheets left in MONTH and SOMEDAY POCKET.

Weekly review

Battle phase on Monday, take back the task sheets in MONTH POCKET to the central space.
This is weekly review.
We can review the tasks for this monthly and sort them again.

Monthly review
In the same way, we take the task sheets in SOMEDAY POCKET to the central space the first day every month.
This is monthly review.
You can review the tasks that you are going to do someday.


Your own rule

The rule of "GTD + R" is very simple. Writing down the task on the paper (task sheet), preparing the field to sort them easily, carry around the POCKET to get the things done anytime, anywhere.

I think you can understand easily. And you also can add your own rule easily.

There is a plain Free POCKET. By using it you can manage the information except the tasks.

I released "GTD + R" as Version 1.0.
You can make your own rule and build up the version by yourself.


Sub finem

How would you like it? I hope you find the attractiveness of the "GTD + R".
I hove a few words of warning you about it. GTD is not "Silver bullet".

If you have no mind to accomplish the work, it is same as before. And it is the most important thing that "keep doing it". The key for that is "do not think about it too much".
If you think about it too much, you have bad blood circulation and bad brain traffic.
The way to keep doing GTD is just relax.
As a habitude, like brush your teeth, GTD is going to be your daily rhythm.
You will feel the effect as follows.

  1. The stress is released and you feel good!
  2. New idea comes up!
  3. Getting your life interesting!

You will feel that your life is changing.

Happy and Enjoy your Life.



"GTD + R" download page.



This is a video by which I do "GTD+R" every morning.
